What is an acceptable similarity index for Turnitin?
What is an acceptable similarity index for Turnitin?
- 2019-03-25
- 阅读人数: 0
- 编辑整理:早检测网
- 标签: Turnitin uk turnitin国际版 turnitin论文检测
What is an acceptable similarity index for Turnitin?
Turnitin为总部位于美国加利福尼亚州奥克兰Turnitin公司旗下的反剽窃检测系统。2000年1月13日,12个世界顶级学术出版商联合创办了非营利性会员制协会组织CrossRef。CrossRef与Turnitin公司共同创建了ithenticate反剽窃文献检测系统, 世界上绝大多数顶级出版商均为此联盟成员。多数SCI期刊均在使用此系统作为收录论文的重要依据。
Online tools like Turnitin and Google can be very helpful in determining the extent of copying of the work of others. Anyone accusing a student of plagiarizing written material is encouraged to use them.
Anyone who detects or suspects plagiarism in a draft or final version of a student's thesis or dissertation must notify, in writing, as soon as possible,the graduate advisor (or department head) in the student's graduate program, and the student's academic supervisor.
An instructor who detects or suspects plagiarism in course work must notify, in writing, as soon as possible,
Frequently Asked Questions:Using TurnitinUK in Blackboard to submit your work
To submit a paper to an assignment on Turnitin, the user must log in and upload a file to an existing assignment. Assignments in Turnitin cannot accept student submissions until the assignment start date and time has passed. Assignments may also reject submissions after the due date and time set by the instructor.
The University Of York—How will using Turnitin help me?
Workshops last one hour and take place in a PC room. The instructor is a specially trained Turnitin GTA, they will:
Turnitin is accessed through the VLE, however in order to gain access to one of the Turnitin VLE sites, you must attend a Turnitin workshop. There are three workshop options which have the same content and provide students with the same access:
Submitting a PeerMark review in Turnitin——The University Of Sheffield
How do student access the Originality Report?—The University Of Sheffield
TurnitinUK is an online service which compares student assignments with online sources including web pages, databases of reference material, and content previously submitted by other users across the UK. TurnitinUK is accessed directly through MyAberdeen.
This page explains how the text-matching software Turnitin UK is used by the Department of History and Philosophy of Science. It also explains the implications for students of their work being submitted via this software.